THE LAUNCH OF HANHAM AT ST Paul’s Church Hammersmith - Saturday 2nd March 2019
The second of two exclusive Hanham launch events was held at St. Paul’s Church Hammersmith on Saturday 2nd March and, like the first in Dorset, it was a resounding success. St. Paul’s Church plays such a poignant role in the lives of the Hanham family - there are even their names upon the walls of the Church - and it features a great deal in the novel. As such it was the most fitting venue for the London launch of Hanham. Also, given the local connection this area of South West London has with the Hanham family, it is after all where they lived for a long time, it was wonderful to see so much local support.
May the Hanham story live forever in the minds of those who read their tale.
Order your copy of Hanham HERE now…